Black Tassel


wish, from orban

An exceptionally powerful polearm that also offers a simple but elegant solution to the issue of the easily stained white tassel.

Bane of the Soft

Increases DMG against slimes by 40%/50%/60%/70%/80%.

Black Tassel
ASC LVL Base ATK HP Ascension Materials
0 1 38 10.2%
5 51 11.9%
10 63 13.9%
15 76 16%
20 86 18%
1 20 105 18% Grain of Aerosiderite 2 Fragile Bone Shard 2 Firm Arrowhead 1 mora 5,000
25 117 20.1%
30 129 22.2%
35 140 24.2%
40 151 26.3%
2 40 171 26.3% Piece of Aerosiderite 2 Fragile Bone Shard 8 Firm Arrowhead 5 mora 10,000
45 182 28.4%
50 193 30.4%
3 50 212 30.4% Piece of Aerosiderite 4 Sturdy Bone Shard 4 Sharp Arrowhead 4 mora 15,000
55 223 32.5%
60 234 34.6%
4 60 253 34.6% Bit of Aerosiderite 2 Sturdy Bone Shard 8 Sharp Arrowhead 6 mora 20,000
65 264 36.6%
70 274 38.7%
5 70 294 38.7% Bit of Aerosiderite 4 Fossilized Bone Shard 6 Weathered Arrowhead 4 mora 25,000
75 304 40.7%
80 314 42.8%
6 80 334 42.8% Chunk of Aerosiderite 3 Fossilized Bone Shard 12 Weathered Arrowhead 8 mora 30,000
85 344 44.9%
90 354 46.9% is not affiliated with HoYoverse.
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